With the Pinnacle 45, TRDI reaffirms its position as the forefront leader in deep water current profiling technology.
Drawing from the remarkable 20-year success of its industry-standard Long Ranger ADCP, the Pinnacle ADCP 45 elevates technology and capability to unprecedented levels, catering to both research and operational applications.
Rated for depths of up to 2000 m, the 45 kHz phased array Pinnacle ADCP offers a 1000 m current profiling range alongside reduced size and weight, a revolutionary swappable configuration, and a host of impressive new features and product enhancements.
Max Profiling Range
Max Bottom Tracking Range
Velocity Accuracy (typical)
±1.0% of measured velocity ± 0.5 cm/s
Velocity Range
±7 m/s
Ping Rate
0.4 Hz (typical)
Beam Angle
Depth Rating
Standard Sensors
Temperature, Pressure, Tilt, Compass
Ethernet and Serial RS-422 or RS-232 Hex-ASCII or binary
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