The ALM series electric winches by Xstream Marine Technologies have been specifically developed for oceanographic and geophysical applications. These light weight winches excel in tasks such as CTD profiling, side scan sonar or magnetometer towing, and Rosete water sampling. With their precise control and rapid operation, these winches offer excellent performance for various marine research activities.
The ALM’s winches are fully electrically driven, ensuring efficiency and reliability. They are built to be robust, powerful, and compact, making them suitable for a range of vessels and deck layouts. The controls are user-friendly, allowing for easy operation by utilizing either the local joystick control or remote-control options.
Xstream Marine Technologies’ ALM series electric winches offer a reliable and user-centric solution for oceanographic and geophysics applications, combining high performance, durability, and enhanced safety features.
Model: (ALM-30, ALM-50, ALM-125)
Winch dimensions (mm)
Drum dimensions (mm)
Cable OD (mm) / Capacity – length (meter): 8.18 mm / 900m
Winch weight (without cable)
Line Pull: 0.20ton
Line Speed: 43 m/min
Motor Size: 3 hp
Power Supply (V): 1P, 220
Winch dimensions (mm)
Drum dimensions (mm)
Cable OD (mm) / Capacity – length (meter): 8.18 mm / 1500m
Winch weight (without cable): 980 Kg
Line Pull: 0.35ton
Line Speed: 41 m/min
Motor Size: 5 hp
Power Supply (V): 1P, 220
Winch dimensions (mm)
Drum dimensions (mm)
Cable OD (mm) / Capacity – length (meter): 11.43 mm / 1600m
Winch weight (without cable): 1100 Kg
Line Pull: 0.75ton
Line Speed: 45 m/min
Motor Size: 12.5 hp
Power Supply (V): 3P, 460
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