
Sonardyne DPT 6+: USBL transponder

The DPT 6 is purposefully designed to serve as a seabed reference transponder within USBL acoustic positioning systems, making it an integral component for installation on numerous Dynamically Positioned (DP) vessels. This Dynamic Positioning Transponder 6 (DPT 6) excels in supporting Wideband 2 acoustic ranging and telemetry, delivering high-precision positioning, robust performance even in noisy and multipath conditions, and a user-friendly setup and operation process. It stands as a reliable and essential tool for maintaining accurate positioning in dynamic underwater environments on DP vessels.

See the attached Sheet.

  • Compatible with HPR systems
  • Up to 7,000 m depth rating
  • Advanced multi-user/multi-vessel capability
  • Robust acoustic performance in noisy conditions
  • Real-time diagnostics available on ranges to enable quality control
  • 1705367563_Sonardyne_8301_dpt6.pdf
  • 1705367563_Sonardyne_8301_dpt6_midi.pdf

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